As we have been known, twitter is a famous microblogging site lately. Since it was built in 2006 by Jack Dorsey, Noah Glass, Biz Stone and Evan Willams twitter getting growth from timet to time. Many major of twitter usage. Everyone perhaps using twitter just for fun, or perhaps for expanded their bussiness. Many people arroud the world using twitter because of twitter is simple, it's allow us to share about anything easily. The most awesome thing from twiter is that twitter is realtime. We could knowing everything entire the world just in few second. We also able to knowing the favorite topic through Trending Topic feature.
But did you ever thought that twitter also can be used as search engine?. Right. We could search anything on twitter. The result are appeared by realtime tweet from current active user. It's mean that the result are keep up to date. Now imagine if there is a concert from your favorite band in your city, You can't see the concert because of have no friend or have no ticket. You can keep monitoring the concert through twitter by typing some sentence on searching box of twitter. Sure, you also can use this feature for many major bassed on your necessary.
Enjoy twitter!